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Mr Almyight

This is my latest picture that I've created. My boss Erik got to play model in this picture.

The idea from the beginning was that he would hold a camera in his hand, exactly like my header.
But I thought it would be boring to do the same thing again. I decided to have a sky as a background, (get some god feeling). I started by placing the earth into Erik's hand, but then I thought it has been done several times in other images.

After that I started to create some kind of light source in his hand, like a magician.
Later I realized that the light source could be the sun. I started to adding all the planets in our solar system.
I thought it was a cool idea and so did Eric. I'm very satisfied with the final results and I hope you like it! :)



Postat av: Sandra

Publicerad 2013-09-22 16:54:32

Riktigt fina bilder :)

Svar: Tack du! :D
John Mattisson

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John Mattisson

Jag heter John och är 23 år gammal. I min blogg hittar du allt jag fotar & retuscherar. Det kommer även finnas lite tips & trix för er som är sugna. Jag fotar med en Canon EOS-1D Mark IV. Om ni har några frågor är det bara att kontakta mig! :)



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